Make Time For Yourself: Scheduling Self-Care

We all need self-care. Self-care is a way for us to reset and relax. When we don’t take time for ourselves, we can start to become overwhelmed, overworked, and stressed.

Self-care is such a broad term. Some people consider simple things like taking a bath to be adequate self-care, where others may consider that only a daily task that doesn’t benefit their mental health.

Whatever you consider self-care, you probably know that it can be hard to make time for yourself. You may want to spend some time on yourself, but just can’t find time between work schedules, housework, and other obligations. So how are you supposed to de-stress and unwind?


We all have a schedule of one kind or another, whether its written down in a fancy planner or just stored in the back of our minds. Rearrange that schedule to make time for yourself. Write it down if you have to, to have a visual reminder. You can also plan ahead and decide what you want to do for self-care for the rest of the week!

Especially with the stressors we have in 2020, it is important to make self-care a priority! Find other tasks in your day that may not need to get done right away, and replace them with self-care. Instead of vacuuming as soon as you get home from work, spend some time reading a book you love or taking a walk and listening to your favorite songs. Replace 30, or even just 10 minutes of the time you usually spend cleaning up to do something for yourself. You can even use your daily commute for self-care and listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks that make you happy.

Use my bright and happy Self-Care Planner to plan your own self-care for the week!

Ideas for Quick Self-care

There are so many things that can be self-care and can help you feel less stressed and more energized that you may not even consider to be self care.

Things like going to bed on time, trying new hair or skin care products, or eating a good, healthy breakfast can all help you change up your daily schedule and add a little more energy back into your day.

Some other ideas for self-care that can take 10 minutes or less are:

  1. Calling a friend or planning an outing with friends
  2. Reading a chapter in a book
  3. Journaling about your day
  4. Playing with a pet
  5. Meditating or just focusing on taking deep breaths
  6. Look through old pictures on Facebook or in a photo album
  7. Change into sweats or pajamas
  8. Painting your nails
  9. Drinking more water
  10. Read an article on

Let me know in the comments what you are planning to do for yourself this week!

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