How to Set a Budget For Gift-Giving

Christmas is coming faster than any of us realized a week ago. We are all virtually swiping our cards at Amazon and a million other online stores, and probably some in brick and mortar stores (in a safe way). I’m also sure that we are all feeling that dull ache coming from our wallets as money keeps being spent.

What if I told you there was a way to know EXACTLY how much you need to set aside for gifts?

And not just for Christmas, but for the whole year! It is a super easy system to follow, and, as always, I have provided you a printable to use for your own gift budget! It feels AWESOME not to worry about spending too much on gifts, and knowing exactly what I need to buy way ahead of time!

Step 1: Decide what gifts, and for whom, you will need in the coming year

Start with a list of birthdays, anniversaries, teacher appreciation, and whatever else you usually buy gifts for. Then think through all the people you will need to buy Christmas gifts for. For example, I know every year I will need to buy Christmas gifts for my immediate family, birthday gifts for my friends, and an anniversary gift for my husband. Then, list out each person by name and for what occasion the gift is for. You can even plan ahead and make a spot for baby shower or wedding gifts without listing a name, even if you don’t know that you will be attending them, as many of us end up going to at least one of each every year! This first step can be time consuming, but it will save you so much time later!

Step 2: Set amounts you want to spend on each gift

If you are struggling to decide how much to budget for certain gifts, think back to the last gift you got that person, or for that occasion. How much did you spend? Did you feel like you overspent or that you could have splurged a bit more? This step is all about your budget and what you feel comfortable with. I’m sure all of our lists will look very different in this column.

Step 3: Start buying gifts ahead of time

If you already know of a good idea for your best friend’s birthday gift, go ahead and write it down, then buy it the next time you are in that store or shopping online. I also like to add in ideas for gifts, even if I’m not sure exactly what to get someone for a certain occasion. Then I have some ideas when it comes closer to time. This step is a great way to spread out your spending throughout the year instead of dumping loads of money in November and December!

Step 4: Keep up with your list and make adjustments when needed

No one’s life is entirely predictable, so more gift-giving occasions may pop up throughout the year. Or you may realize you don’t have the $300 to spend on Aunt Jackie’s Birthday gift, or you want to spend more than $20 for your child’s teacher’s end of the year gift. This is why your free download is able to be edited straight from your computer, so its easy to add and change information. You can also print it and put it on the fridge so you will see it often and remember to stay on track.

This system of gift planning and budgeting has saved me so much time and money over the past year. It has also made me a better and more thoughtful gift-giver, as I can spend time all year thinking of the perfect gift for someone, and I have an easy place to take note of it so I don’t forget. Don’t let Christmas drain your wallet, and get a head start on next year’s gifts while we are all in the giving spirit! Happy Holidays!

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