
How to Set a Budget For Gift-Giving

Christmas is coming faster than any of us realized a week ago. We are all virtually swiping our cards at Amazon and a million other online stores, and probably some in brick and mortar stores (in a safe way). I’m also sure that we are all feeling that dull ache coming from our wallets as…

Time Blocking: Throw out your to-do list!

What is it? It’s magic! Time Blocking is a way to breakdown your day into blocks of time (just like it sounds!). Each “block” is dedicated to a different set of tasks. This allows you to throw out your mile long to-do list and start your day with a schedule of exactly what needs to…

Make Time For Yourself: Scheduling Self-Care

We all need self-care. Self-care is a way for us to reset and relax. When we don’t take time for ourselves, we can start to become overwhelmed, overworked, and stressed. Self-care is such a broad term. Some people consider simple things like taking a bath to be adequate self-care, where others may consider that only…

Never Eat “I Don’t Care” For Dinner Again!

“What do you want for dinner?” “I don’t care. Whatever you want.” This was a common conversation in my household until recently. And this conversation could go back and forth forever and usually ends up in grabbing something unhealthy or not very tasty for the sake of time. Then we started planning our meals ahead…

Weekly Cleaning Schedule: Save time and stay tidy

Do you ever come home from work already dreading all the cleaning and tidying that you know is waiting for you? I know I used to feel this way. So many areas of my house used to be neglected because I dreaded even getting started. Cleaning every room every day can really burn you out…

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This blog is all about organization, time management, de-clutter, home improvement, and other similar topics. I offer modern solutions for centuries-old problems using schedules, lists, and other free resources. Plus, I have the inside scoop on products that will change the way you do your daily routines!

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