Achieve All Your Goals by Creating a 5 Year Plan in 4 Simple Steps (with free download!)

Think back to 5 years ago.

What did you think you would be doing now? What kind of life did you imagine for yourself?

And are you living that life you imagined?

If so, GO YOU! But if you are like most of us, you probably still have some things you want to improve or add to your life. I know that I was hoping that by now, I would be a bit more in shape and able to run a 5K. I’m still working on that one (sorta).

Without concrete goals, it can be easy for every day life to cloud your vision of the future and make it easier to become complacent with where you are. Of course, we should find the beauty in any stage of our lives. But we can always improve!

A 5 Year Plan can be a great way to create goals for yourself, but they play a role in your current life more than you might think.

Benefits of Creating a 5 Year Plan

  • Setting goals of any kind means you are more likely to achieve what you want to achieve!
  • It will help you spend time deciding what areas of your life you are happy with and which you want to improve.
  • It helps you break down your long-term goals into shorter-term goals.
  • It provides motivation and reminders of your goals.
  • It can provide a yearly reminder or check-in to decide if you are going in the right direction.

So how do I make one??

Step 1: Decide which areas of your life to focus on

If you want to start simple, find just one area of life you want to work on, like fitness or finances.

If you want to create goals in all areas, I suggest using the categories of:

and Travel

Really think about what aspects of each of these areas you are currently happy with, and what you might want to change or improve.

Step 2: Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Now set those goals!

Use your categories from Step 1 and imagine your dream life in each area. In 5 years, do you want a higher paying job? Do you want to have travelled internationally? Take some time and really consider what you want out of life.

Then, write your goals in an “I WILL…” statement. This uses psychology to “trick” your brain into believing these statements are not negotiable, that they WILL happen! Instead of “I want to run a marathon”, say “I will run a marathon.” Really believing you will meet your goals puts you one step closer to actually doing so!

Step 3: Break it down into yearly goals.

Now that we have our 5 year plan, let’s break down every goal into one or 2 goals that we can achieve in the next year.

If you want to run a marathon in 5 years, you wouldn’t want to set a goal for running a half marathon in the next year. We don’t want to set goals that are too difficult to reach in a year. Instead, maybe decide that by next year, you will be able to run 5 miles comfortably. Even if you can already run 3 miles easily and meet your goal early, you will have achieved your goal for the year and will feel accomplished and proud!

For each goal in your 5 year plan, create a goal or two that you KNOW you can reach by this time next year.

Step 4: Create new habits

We are going to break it down one more time.

Take each yearly goal you made in step 3 and decide on simple daily or weekly tasks that will help you work towards that yearly goal.

If you want to be able to run 5 miles by next year, plan to do a challenging cardio workout 3-4 times a week.
Or if you want to have $2,000 in savings by next year, make it a habit to make coffee at home instead of stopping by Starbucks on the way to work.

Put these new habits in your planner or as reminders in your phone so you can’t forget about them. It takes 21 days of consistently doing a behavior or task to make it a habit, so stay consistent!

Building new habits by changing behaviors one day at a time is the easiest way to make big changes in your life.

You’re done! You made your 5 Year Plan! Now what?

Print it! Share it! Post it!

Do anything you can to make sure you see your plan often. Tell friends and family about your plan so you have people to support you and hold you accountable. I printed my plan and taped it up at my desk so that I see it every day and I am reminded of why I am making changes and what I am working towards.

Review your plan every year and change your yearly goals to reflect your progress toward that big 5 year goal.

How great will it feel to erase your yearly goal, knowing you met it or exceeded it, and make a new goal that is one step closer to your ideal life!!

You can get my free downloadable 5 Year Plan template by clicking the download button here, or you can make your own using a table in Word or Google Docs.

I know all of you have what it takes to reach those goals and live your best life!

Share your 5 Year Plans on Instagram and tag @pinetreesandpaperclips for the chance to be featured on our Instagram!

Make Time For Yourself: Scheduling Self-Care

We all need self-care. Self-care is a way for us to reset and relax. When we don’t take time for ourselves, we can start to become overwhelmed, overworked, and stressed.

Self-care is such a broad term. Some people consider simple things like taking a bath to be adequate self-care, where others may consider that only a daily task that doesn’t benefit their mental health.

Whatever you consider self-care, you probably know that it can be hard to make time for yourself. You may want to spend some time on yourself, but just can’t find time between work schedules, housework, and other obligations. So how are you supposed to de-stress and unwind?


We all have a schedule of one kind or another, whether its written down in a fancy planner or just stored in the back of our minds. Rearrange that schedule to make time for yourself. Write it down if you have to, to have a visual reminder. You can also plan ahead and decide what you want to do for self-care for the rest of the week!

Especially with the stressors we have in 2020, it is important to make self-care a priority! Find other tasks in your day that may not need to get done right away, and replace them with self-care. Instead of vacuuming as soon as you get home from work, spend some time reading a book you love or taking a walk and listening to your favorite songs. Replace 30, or even just 10 minutes of the time you usually spend cleaning up to do something for yourself. You can even use your daily commute for self-care and listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks that make you happy.

Use my bright and happy Self-Care Planner to plan your own self-care for the week!

Ideas for Quick Self-care

There are so many things that can be self-care and can help you feel less stressed and more energized that you may not even consider to be self care.

Things like going to bed on time, trying new hair or skin care products, or eating a good, healthy breakfast can all help you change up your daily schedule and add a little more energy back into your day.

Some other ideas for self-care that can take 10 minutes or less are:

  1. Calling a friend or planning an outing with friends
  2. Reading a chapter in a book
  3. Journaling about your day
  4. Playing with a pet
  5. Meditating or just focusing on taking deep breaths
  6. Look through old pictures on Facebook or in a photo album
  7. Change into sweats or pajamas
  8. Painting your nails
  9. Drinking more water
  10. Read an article on

Let me know in the comments what you are planning to do for yourself this week!

Never Eat “I Don’t Care” For Dinner Again!

“What do you want for dinner?”

“I don’t care. Whatever you want.”

This was a common conversation in my household until recently. And this conversation could go back and forth forever and usually ends up in grabbing something unhealthy or not very tasty for the sake of time.

Then we started planning our meals ahead of time!

Every weekend, my husband and I sit down and spend a few minutes thinking about what we might want to eat during the next week, and what we can cook that might last more than one meal. Gotta save that money!

Now, to be fair, we only plan out our evening meals, since my husband and I both eat basically the same things every day for breakfast and the same things for lunch. We already know we need to buy those same things every week.

But just planning out that one meal a day for the week saves us so much time and money! We only need one grocery trip a week to buy all the ingredients we will need, and we spend ZERO time on deciding what to eat every evening! It also helps to see our meals laid out in front of us so we can see if we are eating too many unhealthy meals in a row, or too much pasta (guilty!).

I recommend writing your meal plans out on something physical, whether its a chalkboard or dry erase board or just on paper. It has been proven that writing things out causes your brain to process and analyze the information more fully than typing, so that you can more easily notice patterns in your meals.

And as always, here is your free download! Get your own blank weekly meal planner to help you save your own precious time and money!

Let me know over on Instagram at @pinetreesandpaperclips what your meal plans for the week are!

Hello, and welcome!

Hi! I’m Bailey and you have found Pine Trees & Paper Clips!

This blog is all about organization, time management, de-clutter, home improvement, and other similar topics. I offer modern solutions for centuries-old problems using schedules, lists, and other free resources. Plus, I have the inside scoop on products that will change the way you do your daily routines!

I have created other blogs in the past, mostly just as a journal for myself to remember what was going on in my life at the time. This is my first time offering my knowledge in an area that I feel like I excel in. I combine the Southern perspective, as we have always done housework a little differently down here, and a technology-based core to help you find new ways to have more time for yourself, your family, and your hobbies.

During the week, I am a full-time speech therapist at one of two nursing homes in central Mississippi. I adore my sweet patients, and I’ve honestly learned so much from them about ways to keeping a happy and fun home. My husband is in medical school, so I take a lot of pride in “holding down the fort” and supporting him while he studies and works hard. I am a bit embarrassed to admit, though, that he does almost all of the cooking. He enjoys it and is much better than I am at cooking. Hence, why this is not a recipe blog, although I may steal a few from him to share here and there!

I plan to post once or twice a week, and most topics will include free printable resources to allow you to try my techniques in your own home! I hope you all enjoy getting to know me and learning how to have a happy home with lots of time for family!

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