Time Blocking: Throw out your to-do list!

What is it?

It’s magic! Time Blocking is a way to breakdown your day into blocks of time (just like it sounds!). Each “block” is dedicated to a different set of tasks. This allows you to throw out your mile long to-do list and start your day with a schedule of exactly what needs to be done and when. During each block, you can forget about all the other little things and focus on just what you need to do during that block.

How will it work for you?

Do you work full time? Are you a stay-at-home mom? Are you a student? This method can work for ANYONE! You can break up your time blocks in any way that works for you, and tackle the tasks that matter most to you. Using the alarm app on your phone can also help you know when to switch between blocks. Bonus: it also allows you to block in time to relax! All you need is a way to write/type out your schedule and a few minutes to plan your day. (And I got one of those covered for you at the end of this post!)

How to set it up

Here is an example of one way you could use this method. Basically, you want to break your day down into manageable time chunks, 2 or 3 hours at a time. If you work full time, your day may look a little like mine. If you are at home most of the day, you might swap out one of my blocks for an “Errands” block or a “Housework” block.

You can make your own with this editable version that you can download for FREE! Just click the black “Download” button here!

I like to sit down on a Saturday or Sunday when I get a few minutes and work out my schedules for every day of the upcoming week. They stay mostly the same, but I can easily add in tasks or take some out. I also like to set timers for the ends of each block so I know to switch to my next block.

My favorite part about this kind of schedule is that if I finish my tasks for that block before the block is over, I can just chill out! I can scroll through Instagram or go play with my dog Mabel! And if you can’t quite finish all your tasks in the time of one block, you can always find ways to squeeze them into another block. Just keep that in mind and adjust your blocks accordingly next time that task comes around.

If this sounds like something that could change how you do to-do’s, let me know! Comment below or come on over to @pinetreesandpaperclips on Instagram and show me how you block out your time! I’m so excited to see the unique schedules and methods you all use!

Avoid Expensive Home Repairs With This Free Yearly Home Maintenance Calendar

We all know how it feels when it seems like everything is going wrong all at once. Maybe your microwave stopped working, and before you even got to replace it, your washing machine broke too! (This really happened to us. Its the worst!)

The Good News?

There is a way to avoid that awful feeling and forking over hundreds or thousands of dollars to make repairs!

All parts of a house require maintenance to prolong their usability. Anything from roofs to refrigerators need to be maintained and checked regularly to avoid those big, expensive repairs that you have to make when you realize there has been a big leak for a year that you didn’t know about. Because there are just SO MANY parts of a house that need to be checked and cleaned and repaired, it can become overwhelming if you don’t have a system or schedule in place.

This is where my Yearly Maintenance Calendar comes in handy! I’ve already done the work for you of listing out all the areas that need to be regularly maintained or cleaned, and scheduled them into manageable chunks for each month. (Download this calendar for yourself at the bottom of this post!)

Most of these tasks you can easily do on your own, regardless of how handy you are, but its totally fine to call in the professionals on tasks you aren’t comfortable completing yourself. I often use YouTube to teach me how to do some of these tasks that I have never done before.

You may also remember that in my Weekly Cleaning Schedule that I shared last week (Click here if you missed it) that I list “Monthly Task” on certain days, which is when I would complete these. Some tasks that take more time would be moved to the weekend to ensure they get done.

Download your own Yearly Maintenance Calender here for free!

Come find Pine Trees & Paper Clips over on Instagram at @pinetreesandpaperclips for extra resources and information!

What is one area of your home that you often forget to check on and maintain? For me, its the gutters! Let me know yours in the comments!

Weekly Cleaning Schedule: Save time and stay tidy

Do you ever come home from work already dreading all the cleaning and tidying that you know is waiting for you? I know I used to feel this way. So many areas of my house used to be neglected because I dreaded even getting started. Cleaning every room every day can really burn you out on wanting to keep your home clean.

What if you knew when you got home that you just had one or two quick things to clean or tidy? And, on top of that, you would have more time to spend doing things you enjoy! Well, creating a weekly cleaning schedule has given me a new outlook on keeping my house clean. It allows me to know exactly what needs to be done, not just today, but for the rest of the week. It also breaks up each room into small manageable tasks that you can even delegate to husbands or kids!

This is an example of what one of my first weekly cleaning schedules looked like. You can find a download of a blank version of this template at the end of this post.

To break it down, start by assigning each room to a day of the week. Smaller or less used areas like hallways and sun-rooms can share a day if you like. Then, decide what tasks you want done at least once a week in those rooms. (The “Monthly task” you might notice on some days of mine will be the focus of next week’s post!) Feel free to list tasks that might not be in the assigned room for the day, but that you still want done, like I did with washing the dishes. I also have a very hairy dog, so we sweep a lot!

This method of planning out my weekly cleaning has saved me SO much time. It takes only about 30 minutes of my afternoon to do most, if not all, of the tasks for the day. Then I can spend the rest of my evening doing whatever I please! It also leaves my weekends free of having to do these tasks, so I can focus on other tasks to organize and improve my home. This schedule would also be easy for a child to understand, so the whole family can work together and get tasks done even faster!

Click the button below to download your own free weekly cleaning schedule! It is a PDF, so you can either print it and write on it, or type on it from your computer.

Disclaimer: I made this schedule in Canva. It is a great website for making schedules, flyers, really any type of graphic. Play around with it and try making your own schedule with your own flair!

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